Missing in Action + Clothing issue
So sorry everyone for my long hiatus from creating sims. In actualy fact, i haven't stopped making sims.. i just quit uploading them for awhile. For some reason I've had what I call SIM's BLOCK, which is actually the equivalent of writer's block. Started on 14 sims.. ended up with 5 incomplete sims.. trashed 2 of those and now I'm working on the remaining 3. Look out for some new sims this week. Will be uploading this week for sure! They're almost done.. just abit more tweaking.
One more thing though. I noticed comments in regards to my choice of sims clothing. Just to clarify though.. i don't actually put in much effort into picking clothing for my sims. I focus mainly on the sims themselves. Sometimes a particular piece of clothing i see on TSR inspires me to create a sim and thus i use that item of clothing for my sim. Other wise, i mostly use basic clothes in CAS. Also, i only toggle ONE set of clothing. This could be either the daily wear or the formal wear. I leave the others random. This is cuz I only need one set of clothing to take pictures for the look.
I take it that whomever downloads my sim will want to put their individual stamp of character on him or her and will thus want to customise his or her wardrobe. Why them should i make my downloads bigger when some people may not want the clothes that come with the sim?
I do hope you understand why i haven't added in pretty clothing to my sims. It's to make it more friendly to those who want to save space and also gives people the option to download their own outfits for the sim.
I'd also like to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments you leave on my sims. It really makes creating sims fun and lovely when i see that all of you guys like the sims. Also, it gives me a good ideas as to what looks people may like so that i may take it into consideration for the next sims i make.